Thursday, April 15, 2010

Beyond Negative Thinking

Reclaiming your life through optimism
(by Joseph T Martorano, John P Kildahl)

You are what your think – it’s your mind!

Ten things to do now:

1. Stop all nothing thinking.
Quiz yourself. Do you tend to think in extremes or absolutes? I have to be first, I am nothing but a slob, nothing works for me etc. Those thoughts will make you suffer. Underline those extremes and stop.

2. Avoid over generalizing.
This can best be done by underlining all the universalizing (the everythings and forevers) you hear in your mind. Then work on stopping them. The cliché “Never say never” is a good advice.

3. Listen in accurately to the feedback from your body.
Signals from your body need to be listened and interpreted. “Do something nice for yourself.” Think of the pleasure your body has given you throughout your life. “You will do something wonderful for your mood if you think about the wonderful feelings your body has brought you.”

4. Think in micro steps – solve a problem by breaking it down into the smallest possible steps.

5. Minimize your magnifications.
Do not exaggerate your thinking – it was the worst! I was destroyed, etc. No such things happened. Those are thoughts that produce helpless feelings. You deserve to think better of yourself.

6. Monitor the war between your thoughts.
Listen in and identify the different voices and thoughts so you can decide whose to stop.

7. Keep your thoughts in your own voice.
When you have conflicts, underline your own internal voice. Then stop the unwanted voice of someone else.

8. Avoid overlooking.
Take a laugh break. Change a losing pattern. Get outside yourself. Imagine you are somebody successful.

9. Think maintenance and mission.
Maintenance – cleaning up the past
Mission – moving ahead
When you find yourself thinking about a maintenance task, nudge yourself over into a mission task.

10. Keep your thinking goal directed!
Don’t waste your time with the critical voices holding you back. Monitor your inner speech to keep your goals clear. Direct yourself in your strong voice. “This is where I want to go.”

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