To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom – Socrates
MY NAME is Nayli Farwizah. You can call me Neli. But most favourable nickname is Bunga (Flower). Given by Atuk, my grandfather. He calls me Bunga since he found difficulty in pronouncing my real name. He composed a lullaby using this nickname too.
I don’t know why Makngah, my mother’s elder sister created this story for me. I thought she would do one for Inas, my younger sister. She loves Inas so much. That’s what I noticed. She bought Inas a very beautiful and expensive gown last Hari Raya. But, I don’t care…I have Abah! (my father). I know Abah loves me more. After all, I do look like Abah. Except, hmmm….my personality.
According to Makngah, I am more like Mak, my mother. Both of us are Powerful Cholerics. Do you know about this? Have you ever heard about it? Well….I never. Do you want to know why? Because, I am 5 tahun lah! (5 years old). So, if you want to know your personality, please buy Florence Littauer book – Personality Plus: How to understand others by understanding yourself (RM 27.90 at MPH & Kinokuniya).
Typical Powerful Cholerics are: swiftly, control, commander, self-assurance, iron will, dominate, take-charge determination, consigned, reorganization, decision making machinery, supreme, directive, power, faster, complete (Florence Littaeur). I have no idea whether Mak and I have all these characteristics or not. Furthermore, can you label someone at a younger age?
Well, Makngah told me that it doesn’t mean to label anybody. It is for us to learn how to put our strengths to work for us, how to compensate for the weaknesses in our personality. By understanding the personality, we can understand the strengths and weaknesses in others.
Powerful Cholerics are born leader. We exhibit a take-charge attitude very early in life. We let our parents know what we expect out of life. We demand of their rights very early by using a loud voice or temper tantrums to solidify control. Do you think I fall in this category because I always cry and seek for attention from my parents? I cry a lot because my skin is itchy lah
What you call it, Makngah? Eczema? As a matter of fact, I inherited these behaviour from, who else? My mother.
For mothers who don’t understand the personalities, these strong-willed children won’t do anything they are told. They make decisions for the whole family and at an early age, are firmly in charge of the household (Florence Littauer). Oh Makngah! I am the one who always ask Mak to go to Tesco; Mak, mak! Hari ni Mak cuti? Kita pegi Tesco heh? (She always asks her mother to go to Tesco during her mother’s day off.)
Makngah said my mother was the one who decided how to distribute whatever Nenek, my grandmother bought for them. Oh! I forgot to tell you. My mother has another sister, Maksu. Both of her sisters had to agree to whatever decisions made by her. My grandmother too! An example given by Makngah, the storyteller, was the clothes nenek bought for the three of them for Hari Raya. As a result, nenek bought the same materials and they would wear the same outfit on that day. Ha..ha..ha..Boria from Malacca.
However, I never allow Mak to do the same thing to me and Inas. I’ll make sure my clothes are more beautiful than her. Fortunately, I have more clothes than my sister and she has to wear my old clothes. Poor Inas.
The strong-willed and take-charge attitude in Powerful Cholerics are needed by organizations, businesses and families. Our ability to make decisions and to solve problem, would save time, although not everyone appreciates it.
Powerful Cholerics could have difficulties in life. They are rarely popular because their assurance and assertiveness make others feel insecure. Their ability to lead can easily make them appear bossy. By understanding the personality, Powerful Cholerics must moderate their actions. Hopefully, others will rejoice in their obvious abilities and not be offended. Another weakness is the short-tempered.
Meanwhile, how about Makngah? Do you want to know her personality? I bet you want. As I mentioned earlier, Makngah is a storyteller – talkative. Paklang, my uncle once described Makngah as a talking machine! Ha..ha..ha Once you put coins and press the button, she would talk and talk. Don’t know when she would stop. So, everybody must be careful not to put more coins. Ha..ha..ha..Sorry, Makngah. I know that you are funny and have a good sense of humour. You can accept these kinds of jokes, do you?
Makngah is a Popular Sanguine with some Powerful Choleric temperament. The marks you got in a Personality Profile Test would tell you. So, Makngah score more marks in Popular Sanguine category and she got certain marks in Powerful Choleric temperament. And this world really needs Popular Sanguine!
They bring joy when you are in trouble.
They have the touch of innocence.
They have a good sense of humour.
They put hope to blow away the black clouds.
They are enthusiastic and energetic to start over and over again.
Their creativity and charm colour your dull days.
They are simple person in complex situations.
As a child, Popular Sanguine looks for fun and games. They are inquisitive and cheerful. Popular Sanguine babies play with anything they can find. They laugh and love to be with people.
The typical Popular Sanguine at work always volunteer for jobs and thinks of new activities, looks great on the surface, creative and colourful, inspires others to join, charms others to work (Florence Littauer).
Popular Sanguines also are very good on stage. They are excellent greeters and hilarious. Do you remember Fran Fine, The Nanny? Makngah really enjoyed the sitcoms. She watched her again and again. While some viewers complaint about Astro repetition programmes, Makngah gave her credits.
Wah Makngah, don’t want to reveal your weaknesses, huh? For your information, Popular Sanguines like to interrupt and answer for others. They talk too much too! Therefore Makngah, please watch for signs of boredom and stop exaggerating!
Moreover, Popular Sanguines frequently don’t succeed. They have the ideas, the personality, the creativity, but they seldom get it all pulled together at any given time. Many of them change jobs, even careers. Oh, Makngah……..this is exactly you……
(Its ok, Neli….. You won’t get the delicious chocolates Pakngah bought for us…..) Oopps! Please forgive me, Makngah. I forgot the enthusiasm the Popular Sanguine has. Besides, you were a goal oriented person. Another Powerful Choleric character you have.
In what other ways, Makngah is a Powerful Choleric? A firm decision maker! Makngah always disagree with Atuk’s choices or decisions. Neither her ambition nor about her life partner.
What did you say Makngah? Atuk has Powerful Choleric characteristics too? That’s why both of you and Mak also cannot get along well with him. Ok! Now I have a better picture about us. Sad to tell, Atuk sometimes doesn’t like me too…..isk..isk..isk. Did I cry like this? Hello Makngah? Where is the sound?
So, now you have learned that each one of us is unique. Though we are from the same womb! While I am a duplication of my mother, Inas, my sister is a Peaceful Phlegmatic. She should be Pakngah’s daughter. She is more like him. Very indifferent from me, Along or Abah.
It could be because she was born in 2006, the same year with Pakngah’s child. Unfortunately, he had heart failure and we could never play or tease him. Therefore, Makngah had asked for Inas before she was born. This could be the reason why she shares the same personality with Pakngah. (Don’t forget Neli, Paklong too.)
Peaceful Phlegmatic is the easiest of all temperaments to get along with. Little Peaceful Phlegmatic babies are blessings to their parents. They will be delightful to have around; they will be happy wherever they are placed. They make friends but are happy alone. Nothing seems to bother them and they love to watch people pass by (Florence Littauer).
Peaceful Phlegmatic is the closest to being a balanced person; does not function in the extremes or excesses of life, but walks solidly down the middle road, avoiding conflict and decision on either side. He does not offend, does not call attention to himself and quietly does what is expected of him without looking for credit.
While Powerful Choleric wants to run everything, Peaceful Phlegmatic tends to hold back until asked and is never pushy. So, when Makngah (Popular Sanguine) screams, Mak (Powerful Choleric) lashes out, Paklang (Perfect Melancholy) sinks down, Paklong (Peaceful Phlegmatic) stay cool and calm.
Why Makngah said Paklang is a Perfect Melancholy? Well, Perfect Melancholy tends to be a genius prone and likes chart, graphs and figures lists. Paklang scored A for both of his A-level Mathematics. Even as a baby, the Perfect Melancholy appears to be thinking deeply. He is quiet, undemanding and likes to be alone. Hah…Paklang, remember yourself when you were at the kindergarten? You did not want to mix around with other kids. You told Nenek, you didn’t like them because of their smell? See Paklang, Perfect Melancholy makes friend cautiously and is sensitive to others.
Now you see, the more we understand people, the more we study the beauty of God (Allah) creations. Allah made each one of us different, so we could function in our own role. Some of us are feet, Powerful Choleric – to move, to administer, and to accomplish. Perfect Melancholy is the minds – to think deeply, to feel, to write. We have hands, Peaceful Phlegmatic – to serve, to smooth, and to soothe. Nevertheless, to talk, to teach, to encourage are given to Popular Sanguine the mouth.
I also understand though we are from the same parents, our personality are different. Looking back to my uncles and aunts as example, both Mak and Makngah have more of Atuk’s personality. In contrast, Paklang shares same personality with Nenek. House must be kept in good order and everything must be done right. The good thing is Nenek really appreciates my beauty. He..he..he..You hear that? Makngah said, Bunga perasan cantik…..(She thinks she is beautiful)
However, both of them are perfectionist and set high standards. The reasons why Perfect Melancholies are easily depressed!
How about Paklong? Paklong reflects his uncle personality, Nenek’s brother. Eh Makngah, you forgot Maksu lah…. Makngah cannot see her dominant type, Neli. You should ask her to take The Personality Profile Test. Readers can get the test in Florence Littauer book – Personality Plus: How to understand others by understanding yourself (RM 27.90 at MPH & Kinokuniya)
In order to have a deep understanding about personality, however, one study is not enough. Florence Littauer book is suggested as her approach is humorous and straightforward. She is a Popular Sanguine, what do you expect?
Certain studies, for example, categorized the four temperaments as Artisan™, Guardians™, Rationals™ and Idealists™). These four temperaments are divided further into sixteen types of people. So, if you want to know whether you have Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey personality, take the test at ( Why she chose Oprah, then? Because she is Juwairah!
The test can be used as a guide for your right career. However, the career choice is purely depends on your faith and passion. Makngah is an Artisan Performer. Another test she took also conform her as the most suitable person on stage, an actress! (
Although life doesn’t give us many choices, we are the one who decides the best application of our personality to avoid the conflicts within ourselves. A speaker needs to be a good actor/actress too. She has to make her presentation interesting despite any bad feelings or emotional problems she faced. Thus, she enjoys talking, sharing and inspiring others to achieve the best in life.
Ever wonder why the personalities are divided into four main temperaments? Are western studies parallel to Malays four categories – Soil, water, fire and wind? (Tanah, air, api dan angin)
Kindly send your invitation for a speaker to: Talks are conducted in Malay and English languages. Islamic perspectives will be discussed for Muslim audiences.
An answer for Bunga: I chose you because you’re the next talking machine; once the current one becomes an antique.
“Happiness depends not on money or riches – it depends on knowing and accepting yourself for who you are.” (The Personality100 Team, New York, 2008)
“Happiness does not come from material wealth; it comes from doing what is right, fair, just fighting for your principles and for what you believe in.” - The late Benazir Bhutto
MY NAME is Nayli Farwizah. You can call me Neli. But most favourable nickname is Bunga (Flower). Given by Atuk, my grandfather. He calls me Bunga since he found difficulty in pronouncing my real name. He composed a lullaby using this nickname too.
I don’t know why Makngah, my mother’s elder sister created this story for me. I thought she would do one for Inas, my younger sister. She loves Inas so much. That’s what I noticed. She bought Inas a very beautiful and expensive gown last Hari Raya. But, I don’t care…I have Abah! (my father). I know Abah loves me more. After all, I do look like Abah. Except, hmmm….my personality.
According to Makngah, I am more like Mak, my mother. Both of us are Powerful Cholerics. Do you know about this? Have you ever heard about it? Well….I never. Do you want to know why? Because, I am 5 tahun lah! (5 years old). So, if you want to know your personality, please buy Florence Littauer book – Personality Plus: How to understand others by understanding yourself (RM 27.90 at MPH & Kinokuniya).
Typical Powerful Cholerics are: swiftly, control, commander, self-assurance, iron will, dominate, take-charge determination, consigned, reorganization, decision making machinery, supreme, directive, power, faster, complete (Florence Littaeur). I have no idea whether Mak and I have all these characteristics or not. Furthermore, can you label someone at a younger age?
Well, Makngah told me that it doesn’t mean to label anybody. It is for us to learn how to put our strengths to work for us, how to compensate for the weaknesses in our personality. By understanding the personality, we can understand the strengths and weaknesses in others.
Powerful Cholerics are born leader. We exhibit a take-charge attitude very early in life. We let our parents know what we expect out of life. We demand of their rights very early by using a loud voice or temper tantrums to solidify control. Do you think I fall in this category because I always cry and seek for attention from my parents? I cry a lot because my skin is itchy lah
What you call it, Makngah? Eczema? As a matter of fact, I inherited these behaviour from, who else? My mother.
For mothers who don’t understand the personalities, these strong-willed children won’t do anything they are told. They make decisions for the whole family and at an early age, are firmly in charge of the household (Florence Littauer). Oh Makngah! I am the one who always ask Mak to go to Tesco; Mak, mak! Hari ni Mak cuti? Kita pegi Tesco heh? (She always asks her mother to go to Tesco during her mother’s day off.)
Makngah said my mother was the one who decided how to distribute whatever Nenek, my grandmother bought for them. Oh! I forgot to tell you. My mother has another sister, Maksu. Both of her sisters had to agree to whatever decisions made by her. My grandmother too! An example given by Makngah, the storyteller, was the clothes nenek bought for the three of them for Hari Raya. As a result, nenek bought the same materials and they would wear the same outfit on that day. Ha..ha..ha..Boria from Malacca.
However, I never allow Mak to do the same thing to me and Inas. I’ll make sure my clothes are more beautiful than her. Fortunately, I have more clothes than my sister and she has to wear my old clothes. Poor Inas.
The strong-willed and take-charge attitude in Powerful Cholerics are needed by organizations, businesses and families. Our ability to make decisions and to solve problem, would save time, although not everyone appreciates it.
Powerful Cholerics could have difficulties in life. They are rarely popular because their assurance and assertiveness make others feel insecure. Their ability to lead can easily make them appear bossy. By understanding the personality, Powerful Cholerics must moderate their actions. Hopefully, others will rejoice in their obvious abilities and not be offended. Another weakness is the short-tempered.
Meanwhile, how about Makngah? Do you want to know her personality? I bet you want. As I mentioned earlier, Makngah is a storyteller – talkative. Paklang, my uncle once described Makngah as a talking machine! Ha..ha..ha Once you put coins and press the button, she would talk and talk. Don’t know when she would stop. So, everybody must be careful not to put more coins. Ha..ha..ha..Sorry, Makngah. I know that you are funny and have a good sense of humour. You can accept these kinds of jokes, do you?
Makngah is a Popular Sanguine with some Powerful Choleric temperament. The marks you got in a Personality Profile Test would tell you. So, Makngah score more marks in Popular Sanguine category and she got certain marks in Powerful Choleric temperament. And this world really needs Popular Sanguine!
They bring joy when you are in trouble.
They have the touch of innocence.
They have a good sense of humour.
They put hope to blow away the black clouds.
They are enthusiastic and energetic to start over and over again.
Their creativity and charm colour your dull days.
They are simple person in complex situations.
As a child, Popular Sanguine looks for fun and games. They are inquisitive and cheerful. Popular Sanguine babies play with anything they can find. They laugh and love to be with people.
The typical Popular Sanguine at work always volunteer for jobs and thinks of new activities, looks great on the surface, creative and colourful, inspires others to join, charms others to work (Florence Littauer).
Popular Sanguines also are very good on stage. They are excellent greeters and hilarious. Do you remember Fran Fine, The Nanny? Makngah really enjoyed the sitcoms. She watched her again and again. While some viewers complaint about Astro repetition programmes, Makngah gave her credits.
Wah Makngah, don’t want to reveal your weaknesses, huh? For your information, Popular Sanguines like to interrupt and answer for others. They talk too much too! Therefore Makngah, please watch for signs of boredom and stop exaggerating!
Moreover, Popular Sanguines frequently don’t succeed. They have the ideas, the personality, the creativity, but they seldom get it all pulled together at any given time. Many of them change jobs, even careers. Oh, Makngah……..this is exactly you……
(Its ok, Neli….. You won’t get the delicious chocolates Pakngah bought for us…..) Oopps! Please forgive me, Makngah. I forgot the enthusiasm the Popular Sanguine has. Besides, you were a goal oriented person. Another Powerful Choleric character you have.
In what other ways, Makngah is a Powerful Choleric? A firm decision maker! Makngah always disagree with Atuk’s choices or decisions. Neither her ambition nor about her life partner.
What did you say Makngah? Atuk has Powerful Choleric characteristics too? That’s why both of you and Mak also cannot get along well with him. Ok! Now I have a better picture about us. Sad to tell, Atuk sometimes doesn’t like me too…..isk..isk..isk. Did I cry like this? Hello Makngah? Where is the sound?
So, now you have learned that each one of us is unique. Though we are from the same womb! While I am a duplication of my mother, Inas, my sister is a Peaceful Phlegmatic. She should be Pakngah’s daughter. She is more like him. Very indifferent from me, Along or Abah.
It could be because she was born in 2006, the same year with Pakngah’s child. Unfortunately, he had heart failure and we could never play or tease him. Therefore, Makngah had asked for Inas before she was born. This could be the reason why she shares the same personality with Pakngah. (Don’t forget Neli, Paklong too.)
Peaceful Phlegmatic is the easiest of all temperaments to get along with. Little Peaceful Phlegmatic babies are blessings to their parents. They will be delightful to have around; they will be happy wherever they are placed. They make friends but are happy alone. Nothing seems to bother them and they love to watch people pass by (Florence Littauer).
Peaceful Phlegmatic is the closest to being a balanced person; does not function in the extremes or excesses of life, but walks solidly down the middle road, avoiding conflict and decision on either side. He does not offend, does not call attention to himself and quietly does what is expected of him without looking for credit.
While Powerful Choleric wants to run everything, Peaceful Phlegmatic tends to hold back until asked and is never pushy. So, when Makngah (Popular Sanguine) screams, Mak (Powerful Choleric) lashes out, Paklang (Perfect Melancholy) sinks down, Paklong (Peaceful Phlegmatic) stay cool and calm.
Why Makngah said Paklang is a Perfect Melancholy? Well, Perfect Melancholy tends to be a genius prone and likes chart, graphs and figures lists. Paklang scored A for both of his A-level Mathematics. Even as a baby, the Perfect Melancholy appears to be thinking deeply. He is quiet, undemanding and likes to be alone. Hah…Paklang, remember yourself when you were at the kindergarten? You did not want to mix around with other kids. You told Nenek, you didn’t like them because of their smell? See Paklang, Perfect Melancholy makes friend cautiously and is sensitive to others.
Now you see, the more we understand people, the more we study the beauty of God (Allah) creations. Allah made each one of us different, so we could function in our own role. Some of us are feet, Powerful Choleric – to move, to administer, and to accomplish. Perfect Melancholy is the minds – to think deeply, to feel, to write. We have hands, Peaceful Phlegmatic – to serve, to smooth, and to soothe. Nevertheless, to talk, to teach, to encourage are given to Popular Sanguine the mouth.
I also understand though we are from the same parents, our personality are different. Looking back to my uncles and aunts as example, both Mak and Makngah have more of Atuk’s personality. In contrast, Paklang shares same personality with Nenek. House must be kept in good order and everything must be done right. The good thing is Nenek really appreciates my beauty. He..he..he..You hear that? Makngah said, Bunga perasan cantik…..(She thinks she is beautiful)
However, both of them are perfectionist and set high standards. The reasons why Perfect Melancholies are easily depressed!
How about Paklong? Paklong reflects his uncle personality, Nenek’s brother. Eh Makngah, you forgot Maksu lah…. Makngah cannot see her dominant type, Neli. You should ask her to take The Personality Profile Test. Readers can get the test in Florence Littauer book – Personality Plus: How to understand others by understanding yourself (RM 27.90 at MPH & Kinokuniya)
In order to have a deep understanding about personality, however, one study is not enough. Florence Littauer book is suggested as her approach is humorous and straightforward. She is a Popular Sanguine, what do you expect?
Certain studies, for example, categorized the four temperaments as Artisan™, Guardians™, Rationals™ and Idealists™). These four temperaments are divided further into sixteen types of people. So, if you want to know whether you have Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey personality, take the test at ( Why she chose Oprah, then? Because she is Juwairah!
The test can be used as a guide for your right career. However, the career choice is purely depends on your faith and passion. Makngah is an Artisan Performer. Another test she took also conform her as the most suitable person on stage, an actress! (
Although life doesn’t give us many choices, we are the one who decides the best application of our personality to avoid the conflicts within ourselves. A speaker needs to be a good actor/actress too. She has to make her presentation interesting despite any bad feelings or emotional problems she faced. Thus, she enjoys talking, sharing and inspiring others to achieve the best in life.
Ever wonder why the personalities are divided into four main temperaments? Are western studies parallel to Malays four categories – Soil, water, fire and wind? (Tanah, air, api dan angin)
Kindly send your invitation for a speaker to: Talks are conducted in Malay and English languages. Islamic perspectives will be discussed for Muslim audiences.
An answer for Bunga: I chose you because you’re the next talking machine; once the current one becomes an antique.
“Happiness depends not on money or riches – it depends on knowing and accepting yourself for who you are.” (The Personality100 Team, New York, 2008)
“Happiness does not come from material wealth; it comes from doing what is right, fair, just fighting for your principles and for what you believe in.” - The late Benazir Bhutto
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